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Re: Buckeye or Bust...

<<On Tue, 11 Aug 1998 09:24:29, SteveOrdinetz <steveord@xtdl.com> said:

> I, too have often wondered why so many stations bother to webcast when they
> have nothing to offer that can't be found on your local dial anyway.

That's simple: to get inside the concrete-and-steel office towers in
their local downtowns.  They don't have any interest in reaching a
wider audience.

- -GAWollman

- --
Garrett A. Wollman   | O Siem / We are all family / O Siem / We're all the same
wollman@lcs.mit.edu  | O Siem / The fires of freedom 
Opinions not those of| Dance in the burning flame
MIT, LCS, CRS, or NSA|                     - Susan Aglukark and Chad Irschick
