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Re: Musicradio 77 WABeatleC Beatlemania Monday

- -- [ From: Robert W. Paine * EMC.Ver #2.5.3 ] --

 (Personal opinion) - This comes under the heading of "We're PRO-
GRAMMING radio, we'll do things OUR way and the listeners had better
accept it as authentic."
 You can't tell people anything if they don't want to listen, and the so
- - called radio industry is having a fine time going along thinking it's
"doing radio". Only problem is - in my rating book - that they haven't a
clue as to what radio is really about. 
 I barely made it academically out of high school and I am pretty sure I
have a better feel for how radio should be than most of those who are
supposedly programming it today. If (that big word, again) I was in the
position they occupy, I have the presence of mind to know to  my
shortcomings in the education market and get someone who knows what
they're doing. Put 'em in charge, let them do what they know how to do
and remember, they're the experts - not me. And, above all - don't
hassle them.
 Donna Halper comes immediately to mind, and I feel that she has more
knowledge and experience in how to run a station than the current crop
has collectively.
 It wouldn't surprise me if, when confronted with the term "full service
radio" the reaction would be "Duh-hh?" - and not due to a lack of formal
education either. 
 I would re-iterate that I did my last board shift at the beginning of
May 1989. Have I regretted it, knowing the current situation? 
 Not one nano-second, thank you. (But I miss radio as it could be.)
