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Tawk (was: WSRO sold)

Tony writes:
 WBUR doesn't take any chances, which they
>should because they are in the position to, yet they are beholden to their
>corporate interests who continue to fund their drives. I mean, come on...
>Lydon does a show on expansion of NAFTA last year and invites on Ira
>of BankBoston <snip>

Impugning objectivity of broadcast outlets on the basis of fiduciary
relationships between sponsors or underwriters and local radio and TV
stations... certainly not a new sport.  Commercials air on commercial
stations while scheduled underwriting announcements air on non-comms.
(including well-heeled ones like WBUR).   I guess I would take a local show
by Lydon over the alternative(s) and hope that the producers would keep
alive the potential for caller-driven challenges.  Could it be that the
hard-driving callers with interest in more cerebral discourse have gone
elsewhere (who knows where?) since talkradio dried up?  If gums flap in the
breeze without a decent challenge from that .05 to 1% caller base, then the
onesidedness floats like oil over the presentation.  Always has.  Always
will in that scenerio.
4 cents, adjusted for inflation.
Bill O'Neill
