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Subject: Request For Information

In addition to popping-up on this newsgroup, I host "Not Quite Live", a
 talk/variety show seen on the local cable-access channel in my hometown
 of Norwood and a couple of neighgboring towns.

Right now, I'm looking into a "pipe dream". My "pipe dream" is to move
 the show off of local cable and into regional syndication in which I'd
 sell sponsorships (with the help of someone who would come aboard on
 a part-time basis to do this), rent a studio, hire a co-producer, and
 either buy airtime on a handful of TV stations in New England, OR
 offer the show on "barter" in which a station would get the show free
 of charge as long as they run the commercials we sell. Stations would
 also get some time to sell to local sponsors.

In order to determine if the "numbers" would add-up the right way (read:
 to determine if the show could at least break even or make a profit),
 I need to know information on how much it would cost to produce the
 show this way, and what kind of revenues I could get.

Since all of you are walking encyclopedias on broadcasting, perhaps one
 or more of you might have information on rate cards for Boston TV
 stations--both the costs of a 30-second commercial in various time
 periods, AND how much airtime would cost to purchase in various time

If you have this information, please E-Mail it to me in text form to the
 E-Mail address for the SHOW, which is NOT the same as my personal E-Mail

The E-Mail address to send me this information to is:



Please do NOT send this information to this newsgroup. The confidentiality
 would be compromised.

Any information you can provide would be most welcome, and, by adding up
 all the numbers, I'll know whether my pipe dream has a chance, or not.

Thank you in advance for any help you are able to provide.

Joseph Gallant

Personal E-Mail address: notquite@hotmail.com


E-Mail address for my cable-access show:


