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Re: AM Daytime DX

At 03:08 AM 5/30/97 +0000, you wrote:
>On Thu, 29 May 1997, Steve Sawyer wrote:
>> although even 10 
>> years ago there was a station on 1030 in NC and in Washington.. DC 
>> station was at that time, I believe, WBZE, a religious station.
>Hmmm.  WEZE, WPZE, WBZE, ... Is there a pattern here?
I always wondered whether the people who started the AM 1030 in Indian Head
MD serving the DC market (now WNTL) picked the original WBZE calls so that
it would appear to non-observent listeners that the station was a full-time
operation. WBZ _bombs_ into DC at night pretty much like a local and despite
its now 50 kw power (it was 10 kW originally), Indian Head can't put too
much of a signal into DC because there is an AM 1050 in Silver Spring, right
outside Washington. Also Indian Head operates from a site way south of
Washington and is directionalized to protect WBZ from daytime skywave. Well,
recently I read that the WBZE calls were selected for just the reason I
wondered about. When that station signs off at sunset, they can't sell the
time they're not on the air to a mattress company, which "sponsors" the next
x hours of restful silence to sleep by, as some creative daytimers have
done. When Indian Head leaves the air, WBZ is right there.

- -------------------------------
Dan Strassberg (Note: Address is CASE SENSITIVE!)
ALL _LOWER_ CASE!!!--> dan.strassberg@worldnet.att.net
(617) 558-4205; Fax (617) 928-4205
