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Sean Mooney and dark stations.....

Concerning Sean Mooney, he is one in the same person who did the "Commentary"
of the World Wrestling Federation some time back, a time I am sure he would 
rather forget....being a serious journalist.  Before joining WBZ-TV (Channel 4)
Sean was news anchor at WWOR-TV (Channel 9) in Secaucus, NJ (New York market).
So far, he looks good at Channel 4

So far, he looks like he is settling down comfortably at 'BZ.  I have seen
his style when WWOR used to be a Superstation.  It took a while to stop
thinking about him doing the WWF schtick and think about him being a real
news anchor.  He will be fine.

- -Pete-

Peter Q. George, N1GGP                  *  "Scanning the bands since 1967 !" 
P.O. Box 1183                           *                  +
Randolph, Massachusetts 02368-1183      *                  |
USA                                     *      73         +|+    de N1GGP
PGEORGE@wellesley.edu                   *                +\|/+
XERB@bigfoot.com                        *               + \|/ +
