Salem buying WMKI 1260

Fri Jun 5 17:10:47 EDT 2015

From: "Kevin Vahey" <>

> $500K for 1260?  I am curious if Bob Bittner had a chance to kick the 
> tires
> for that price.

I remember Gr. Media paid $2.5 Million for 1150AM back in 1985(?), and 1260 
was always thought to have the better signal between the two of them.

1150AM is one of the crapiest signals licensed to Boston proper.

There were a lot of people who I would have guessed would be interested in a 
AM Boston full-time property at that price.  Bob Bittner is one....I would 
have thought Charles Clemons would have expressed an interest...but I think 
he is only interested in what he can get for free. 

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