WHMP Northampton

A Joseph Ross joe@attorneyross.com
Thu Oct 3 01:28:03 EDT 2013

On 10/2/2013 5:57 PM, Paul B. Walker, Jr. wrote:

> They can legally ID the translator using FSK... Frequency SHift 
> Keying, which is inaudible to the regular listener. You definately 
> heard 96.9.

I have no doubt that 96.9 was what I heard.  When I was listening to an 
AM signal, they kept saying they were now on FM at 96.9, so I tuned in 
there.  I just was surprised to hear it was a translator when I didn't 
hear it ID'd that way.  FSK explains it, though I don't understand what 
good a legal ID is that can't be heard.  Who can hear it?

A. Joseph Ross, J.D.| 92 State Street| Suite 700 | Boston, MA 02109-2004
617.367.0468|Fx:617.507.7856| http://www.attorneyross.com

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