Over digitalized and processed music

Paul Anderson paulranderson@charter.net
Fri Jun 22 20:49:23 EDT 2012

A number of days back, I passed by WERS and heard the song West End Girls by the Pet Shop Boys.  I love that song but it was almost unlistenable.  If you know the song, you know the beginning has some street sound effects with footsteps.  The volume of that quiet part was brought up so much that I could clearly hear the compression bring the beginning of the song down when it started.  I was shocked a college station would do such a thing.

I thought compression technology had improved so much by 2012 that you wouldn't hear the "pumping" that you would hear, especially when Sy Dresner would fool around with the compression on WCCC-FM in the late '70s.

It's too bad that radio is no longer for people who like music.


On Jun 22, 2012, at 2:03 AM, Chris Hall wrote:

> I was driving down Memorial Drive yesterday when one of my favorite old songs “Love Shack” by the B-52’s was on one of Boston’s classic hits stations, I could hardly believe my ears.....this fantastic song much like all the great Disco and dance tunes now sound the dregs. They have been through so much digital compression and processing that the original life and texture is now missing. I recall driving Revere Beach with the top down and car loads of kids would be hanging out of cars with Love Shack cranking with them banging on the sides of the car. This song had such life and vibrancy to it, not any more.
> I must give major kudos to WBOQ 104.9, if you want to hear music as it sounded originally North Shore 104.9 is the closest thing around and oldies
> playlist is far better than anything downtown.

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