EAS in Mass

Garrett Wollman wollman@bimajority.org
Tue Oct 25 15:43:32 EDT 2011

<<On Tue, 25 Oct 2011 15:04:02 -0400, "Gary's Ice Cream" <gary@garysicecream.com> said:

> Who is in charge of EAS in Mass?  Comcast is sending "weekly required tests"
> every night at between midnite and 1am..it causes chaos to TIVO and other
> devices.  Now they have begun sending one daily at 3pm as well. Their
> coordinator says that it only sends it when necessary - but he doesn't know
> what he is talking about.

Don't forget about the national EAS test on November 9.  (And I'm with
you on the RWTs: even once a week is too frequent.  And who was the
idiot who decided that my TiVo should interrupt playback of a prerecorded
program for a useless, but live, test message anyway?  I'd be OK if it
did that just for EANs or state-wide alerts.)


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