Media impact on the special election
Sat Jan 23 13:35:27 EST 2010

 Isn't it great when people can offer opinions on talk hosts they have never heard? 

>>I thought it was distasteful

Had Coakley won and a liberal talk host played a certain song, it would be "speaking truth
to power"


>>the disintegration of meaningful political talk on the radio

What about NPR?.Rehm, Rooney, and all  the rest. (Or, as I mentioned, Avi Nelson who is much like
Gene Burns, etc.; thoughtful and sedate.)

by the way speaking of talk radio, Joe Fitzgerald's column in today's Herald talked about the last Republican from Mass. to serve in the Senate, Ed Brooke. He said that in 1962 both Brooke and his opponent for Attorney General "crossed paths" during the Jerry Williams show, and  Frank Kelly's parting shot was "“If I were not a gentleman, Jerry, I might might mention how Mr. Brooke, a Negro, has a white wife.”. Yes, he said it on the air with Brooke sitting mere feet away.. Brooke went on to serve two terms as Mass. A.G. and then two terms in the U.S. Senate, the first African-American to be elected directly.

It's good that Joe can mention these things; I was only months old when it happened...

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