top TV personalities????

Shawn Mamros mamros@MIT.EDU
Thu Dec 31 09:54:06 EST 2009

Dan.Strassberg wrote:
>> Naah... Either Kermit, Ms Piggy, or Big Bird.

And Richard replied:
>They don't have much connection to Boston, do they?

Richard's right.  WGBH may broadcast Sesame Street, but they don't produce
it.  Ditto for whichever station here aired The Muppet Show (I wasn't
here at the time; which station was it?).  And actually, each of those
three Muppets has its own "birthplace".

Kermit came out of Jim Henson's "Sam and Friends", a local show on
Washington DC's WRC-TV in the late 50's.  Henson moved to NYC in the
early 60's, and at the end of that decade he was brought onboard as
part of the team that started Sesame Street, which was (and still is)
produced in New York and distributed by NET (later PBS).  Big Bird
made his debut there.  Miss Piggy (who's actually never been to
Sesame Street, to the best of my knowledge) was one of the characters
created for The Muppet Show in the late 70's, co-produced by Henson and
Britain's ITC at the ATV studios near London.  (Oddly, despite her
birthplace, she doesn't have the accent...)


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