Why Talk Radio is largely conservative - (Was: Howie Carr, etc.etc. etc)

Chuck Igo chuckigo@maine.rr.com
Wed Jul 23 11:11:35 EDT 2008

Bill O asked -
> Just so that we keep this to radio, given this civil back-and-forth 
> exchange on a meaty topic that may dig a bit into the political comfort 
> zone, what type of radio talk show would we be _more_ likely to get this 
> discourse - liberal or conservative, or both?

a radio talk show devoted to TV Show Characters, of course.

Mork or Mindy?   He's an open-minded, bleeding-heart liberal alien while she 
is a bit more down to earth and on the conservative side.

Sanford or Son?  Crusty old curmudgeon takes on the newer, free-thinking 
generation. (same thing for the debate between Chico and The Man)

Andy or Barney?  Andy is prone to old-school thinking but with a touch of 
new-age justice, whilst Barney is just chomping at the bit to pull that slug 
out of his shirt pocket.

Fred or Barney?  Fred is a pretty much a staunch republican (lodge ruler, 
fine bowler) - what's in it for Fred?  While Barney is always ready to take 
one for the team (more of a communist, actually).

Laverne or Shirley?  Actually - it's hard to tell seeing as the two oft 
times switch roles between playing it safe or going for the gusto.

Charlie or Alan?  a never-married lush jingle-writer who obviously made some 
serious cash in the republican-fueled decades of excess tries to open his 
heart and home to his divorced-single-dad-brother (and kid).  While the 
single-dad brother Alan (and kid) present an obvious financial strain, 
Charlie manages to help carry their load, pay Berta and live extremely large 
while writing&recording nothing more than an horrendous kids' album (a touch 
of socialism, without doubt).  Alan is just praying for a little democratic 
justice and the end to alimony woes.

Pinky or The Brain?  Pinky loves everyone and everything, an obvious 
democrat if ever there was.  While Brain has his sights sets on "ruling the 
world." ('nuff said)

then we can really M*A*S*H up the conversation when we get into the whole 
Hawkeye, Trapper, BJ and Charles discussion.  Of course, Charles Emerson 
Winchester (3rd) is old school Boston blueblood, but the discourse would 
best be suited as to where we would find the suitable political leanings of 
the aforementioned other n'er'do-wells, not to mention the entire war or 
no-war scenario.

--Chuck Igo
(MaryAnn or Ginger?  always my personal conundrum)
note: no politicians were harmed during the typing of this message.  made 
from 100% recycled tv formulaic materials. 

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