Bad Taste Radio - Girl Dumped Live On The Radio

Laurence Glavin
Thu Jan 18 15:47:29 EST 2007

>----- Original Message -----
>From: "Shawn Mamros" 
>To: "Doug Drown" 
>Subject: Re: Bad Taste Radio - Girl Dumped Live On The Radio
>Date: Thu, 18 Jan 2007 14:31:34 -0500
> Their naivete and their consequent pain are paraded for all the
> nation to see. There's something sick about that.
>Anyone who thinks this is a new phenomenon related to today's "reality"
>programming would do well to study the history of a CBS Radio (later TV)
>show named "Strike It Rich".
>Imagine a quiz show devoted solely to contestants (often whole families)
>of meager financial means. And if they couldn't answer the questions
>right, they were turned over to the mercy of the "heart line", where
>listeners/viewers would donate money or goods to them. It got to the
>point where people (and often whole families) were buying one-way
>tickets to New York to try and get on the show. And it was on TV
>for close to seven years - 1951 to 1958, right in the middle of
>TV's purported "golden age".
>Exploiting people for ratings is nothing new. It's just that others
>choose to forget, or would rather keep it forgotten.

There was a similar show on TV at that time called "Queen For A Day"
featuring WOMEN who were in dire straits.

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