Herald, Ch. 25 report WRKO Finneran deal

Bob Nelson raccoonradio@mail.com
Thu Jan 11 10:47:24 EST 2007

Chuck wrote:

>>no, thankfully boston is now #11 or something, so it must be okay to
put never-before-in-the-biz folks on in morning drive, giving so much
hope to the future broadcasters who are maybe voice-tracking an
overnight shift somewhere in a small new england town with dreams of
landing a big gig someday.

I remember when Peter Blute was given a tryout in Howie's slot. He
sounded a little rough, but later when he was doing the morning
show (paired with Moes, and later Ozone, then Scotto) he sounded
a little better. Maybe having someone else to banter with--
which is apparently what WRKO is doing--will help. One caller
this morning to Feinburg's show said they heard Finneran
do a show (think he did a fill on WRKO, or maybe WBZ) and
"there were a lot of pauses".

Which is where the co-host comes in, to help fill those in...

A small sample of Feinburg's show today had callers who mostly
said they wouldn't be tuning in to the new show. One caller
said they'd give him a listen, "but if he's not good, I'm
turning it off". A prominent black activist, Sadiki Kambon,
called in to say that maybe WRKO would be putting Whitey
Bulger on air should he come out of hiding, and that Jerry
Williams was turning over in his grave.

Another caller said she was a conservative who enjoyed
shows like Feinburg, but she didn't like Celtics or
Red Sox, and was disappointed to hear Mariellen Burns
in on a Saturday instead of Todd.

And some listeners felt there was a double standard:
John Depetro (whose name was bleeped out) was fired for
saying a couple controversial things but wasn't given
a second chance, while Finneran has been convicted
of perjury and is being given one. (Well, at least it
can be said that Finneran's transgression was something
he did OUTSIDE of WRKO's employ...)

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