The Station nightclub plea deal

Donna Halper
Thu Sep 21 12:19:06 EDT 2006

>John wrote--
>In other words, just another incident in a one-party state with no
>real accountability.

Oh dear.  Can we avoid turning this into a political rant during such 
a tragic time?  We have seen BOTH parties do corrupt and vile things 
over the years.  This one wasn't so much about which party is in 
power, since evidence shows that in times of crisis, either party 
will go for butt-covering and face-saving immediately.  What bothers 
me is that we saw this movie before-- the Cocoanut Grove fire in 1942 
contained many of the same elements, including over-crowding, blocked 
exits, fire inspectors who didn't do their jobs, and big political 
figures who wanted everything covered up.  Supposedly laws were 
passed to prevent this sort of thing from happening again, but alas, 
if the laws are not enforced, ordinary people end up being badly 
mistreated while the truly guilty are never punished. 

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