Herald: Ch 4 going back to "WBZ" brand

Scott Fybush scott@fybush.com
Wed Nov 22 11:34:01 EST 2006

Doug Drown wrote:
> I've often wondered: How did Westinghouse get away with obtaining the old
> WJZ call letters when it obtained Channel 13 in Baltimore?  I assume it had
> something to do with the company having originally owned WJZ when it was in
> Newark.

Indeed it did. The FCC of 1957-58 was unusually amenable to granting 
semi-new 3-letter calls. Not only did they buy Westinghouse's "heritage" 
excuse for wanting WJZ in Baltimore, but they allowed the University of 
Texas to call its new FM station KUT, notwithstanding that the U of T 
had sold the original KUT(AM) in the thirties and it had changed calls 
since then.

I doubt today's FCC would be so willing to bend.


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