Air America on ABC Ad Blacklist

Scott Fybush
Tue Nov 7 13:50:55 EST 2006

Shaun Hayes wrote:
> The issue of free speech on commercial radio goes deeper than the
> ability of some right-wing jerk to pick on overweight sexual minorities.
> Given the close ties between monopoly-controled media and
> its major advertisers, its probably not surprising that this story is 
> sinking
> into the memory hole.  Here's the link if you've missed it.

It's sinking into the memory hole because it's a non-story. Any of us 
who have ever worked at any affiliate of a major network know that there 
are similar lists with similar major advertisers for pretty much ANY 
syndicated political talk show, whether it be Rush or Franken. Just 
listen to the caliber of ads that run on Rush's show if you don't 
believe me - dietary supplements, shady investment scams. Not a 
blue-chip advertiser in the bunch.


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