Opinion Piece On Air America Stirs Nasty Responses

Hakim Madjid hmadjid@yahoo.com
Thu May 6 12:39:56 EDT 2004

Mark Laurance wrote:

>By the way, Corey Dietz (the subject of this thread)
>is correct, Air America has to be entertaining to
Let me first say in my political views I am more
towards the liberal end of the spectrum.

That being said, what I hear so far on Air America,
however (via Internet streaming), is pure and simple
bad radio talent wise.

What liberal talk radio needs is a left - wing Rush
Limbaugh. As Rush has admitted many times over the
years he is first and foremost a showman. Liberal talk
radio in other words needs someone as entertaining as
a Rush Limbaugh or Sean Hannity, for instance.

As well as good talent, Air America needs some
business savvy management. I mean no sooner than they
launch their venture they go off the air in major
markets such as Chicago and LA because of payment
disputes. That's no way to run a purportedly serious
media operation.

Furthermore, IMO, Air America's business plan, which
seems to be to lease time on various stations around
the country is not a good one. Air America would do
better to find a liberal - viewed, highly talented
talk host, and offer her/him for syndication. Finding
a media-savvy CEO to oversee the operation wouldn't
hurt matters either.


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