Where I Was 40 Years Ago (a radio story)

Bob Nelson raccoonradio@yahoo.com
Sat Nov 22 03:27:52 EST 2003

--- Sven Franklyn Weil <sven@gordsven.com> wrote:

> Would someone care to explain what people mean by
> "innocent" and "the 
> world changed", etc.

It was a shock to many to see a young and vibrant
President killed. I've heard that at his funeral, a
reporter (whose name escapes me) was asked by a fellow
reporter, Mary McGrory, "Will we ever laugh again?".
The reporter replied, "Oh, we'll laugh again,
Mary. But we'll never be young again."

In other words the world DID change for many on that
day and the young spirit of "Camelot", etc.,
was shattered. Perhaps the same kind of thing happened
(a feeling that our youth has passed us by,
suddenly) some 17 years later when John Lennon
was assasinated. (And people holding a vigil for
Lennon on the streets of New York held up signs
quoting one of his songs: "The Dream is Over"...

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