WEEI-FM 93.7

ljs0610@comcast.net ljs0610@comcast.net
Wed Sep 14 09:45:38 EDT 2011

'EEI dropped Fox and J.T. the Brick quite some time ago...at least a year.   SportsHub picked up the show; same local callers....which really amounts to additional defection from WEEI.  

----- Original Message -----
From: Sean Smyth <ssmyth@psualum.com>
To: Bob Nelson <raccoonradio@mail.com>
Cc: Boston Radio Interest <boston-radio-interest@rolinin.bostonradio.org>
Sent: Tue, 13 Sep 2011 15:36:26 -0000 (UTC)
Subject: Re: WEEI-FM 93.7

Bob Nelson writes: 
> I did hear a bit of Jason Smith, ESPN all night...uptempo delivery, humor, sports highlights etc. 
> Some are saying not everyone would be into ESPN talk shows, but certainly if Entercom doesn't 
> want local talk past midnight, ESPN is not bad to run.

The problem with WEEI dropping Fox was that J.T. The Brick's show was about as local as you can 
get for "syndicated." Probably half the callers were from WEEI.

> Ent. doesn't put Mike there you wonder if another company might consider a Mike-like format, 
> but whom? (Prob. not Clear Channel who do fine with Kiss and Jam'n)

Seems like the obvious answer would be WBOS. They've been relatively stable for a couple years
now, but in the past 92.9 reinvented itself every 16 months or so, it seems.

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