Finneran Asks For A Pardon

Dave Tomm
Sat Jan 10 03:10:44 EST 2009

Plus the fact that the previous 4 Republican governors (Weld, Celucci,  
Swifty and Mittens) all wrote letters of recommendation to the  
Republican president asking for the pardon.  If it happens, will Howie  
call out all those GOoPers that went to bat for Tommy?  I tend to  
think not.  He'll figure out a way to blame it on Gov. Patrick or Sal  

A pardon could restore his state pension as well as his law license,  
which would make it much easier for him to walk away from WRKO once  
his deals up, if not sooner.  Maybe that's why Entercom only signed  
him to a one year extension.  I'm sure they want him to get the pardon  
as much as he does!

-Dave Tomm

On Jan 10, 2009, at 2:36 AM, Bob Nelson wrote:

> Probably yes; he was convicted but did not do time. He may be  
> excused and allowed to
> get his law license back, etc., but I believe he would still be  
> considered a felon.
> Just as, to use another current event, the local legislature can  
> turn down that
> pay increase and donate it to charity if they wish--but it will  
> still count
> towards their pension (salary-based)

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