Old Vacation TV observations from way back

Lou lspin@comcast.net
Thu Mar 27 12:09:01 EDT 2008

Chuck, you are a true clairvoyant!  My dad was a TV repairman, so he had
these crystal, non-powered phone handsets that he would use to go between
the person tuning the antenna on the roof and the one 4 stories down
watching the picture.  (You'd never use walkie-talkies as they might
interfere with the picture during this critical process.)  Of course, for
the home antenna, I'd be the ground person.  And the conversation would go,
"How about now...  Now...  What do you mean it was better before!!!"

-----Original Message-----
From: Chuck Igo [mailto:chuckigo@maine.rr.com] 
Subject: Re: Old Vacation TV observations from way back

okay - a little to the left.  now back to the right.  no, the other right 
... okay, you almost have it.  nope.  stand on one foot.  good.  now move 
the left antennea back to the right.  no, no... the left one to the right. 
geesh.  dang kids.  do i have to do this myself?

(kids) maybe you should, Dad.  show us how it's done... (duckin', grinnin' 
and out the door to be somewhere else, quickly)

- -Chuck Igo 

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