How did WMFO get away with that??

Doug Drown
Sat Dec 16 11:27:31 EST 2006

Jeremy:  I read a newspaper article a couple of months ago --- I think it
may have been in The Wall Streer Journal, but I can't clearly recall --- 
that backed up what you've written.  The F-bomb, as you put it, is permitted
during the wee small hours, but its legality depends upon the context in
which it's used.  If it's used as a sexual expression it's a no-no.

A college student who is a friend of mine recently wrote an interesting (and
quite creative) paper on this subject, in which he discussed the etymology
and history of the word.  He pointed out that it's become so commonplace in
recent years that it's said to be the only word in the English language that
is used not only as a verb, but also as a noun, adjective, and adverb.
(Some of the ways I've heard it used remind me of C.S. Lewis' delightful
comment, "The trouble with making yourself appear more stupid than you
really are is that you usually succeed.").


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Jeremy Mixer" <>
To: "Boston Radio" <>
Sent: Saturday, December 16, 2006 10:28 AM
Subject: Re: How did WMFO get away with that??

> --- Hakim Madjid <> wrote:
> > How did they get away with that, in this era of
> > Congressional and FCC
> > crackdowns on this sort of thing?
> I beleive "safe hours" are between 10 PM and 3 or 4
> AM< although most stations have strict policies about
> what can and cannot be played whether it is during
> safe hours or not. In the past, while filling out
> emplyment paperwork, I have had to sign paperwork
> promising not to broadcast certain words at any
> time.... as always, if company policy is stricter than
> the law, you'd be foolish not to follow company policy
> if your job meant anything to you.
> Also worth pointing out that many radio stations play
> songs such as The Who's "Who Are You" and Pearl Jam's
> "Jeremy" uncensored....both with one or two very
> obvious F-bombs. Like some others pointed out, the FCC
> needs to receive enough complaints to really even do
> anything about it.
> I also had someone tell me a few years back that the
> use of the word is what they go after....if the F-bomb
> refers to a physical act than it is not allowed,
> however if you are saying "What the F___" it
> is....although I am not sure about the validity of
> that statement. I have never actually seen a specific
> FCC rule concerning that but it WOULD make sense in
> listening to the context in which you hear the F-word
> in recorded songs....very seldom will you hear the
> word referring to something that a couple would do....
> I'd be interested if anyone did have documentation
> that stated that specifically.
> Jeremy
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