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Re: WOTW 900 // WGAW 1340

John Bolduc writes:
>> Where is the programming originating?  I don't think any programming
>> has originated in Gardner for many years...last time I drove by
>> their tx building/former studios it looked pretty decrepit.
> Programming is orignating from WOTW studios at Indian Head Plaza
> (Temple Street 1 block east of Main Street and just south of the
> library).

I don't understand this...

What exactly do Nashua and Gardner have in common? I know Ayer is less than
20 miles away from Nashua and Gardner wouldn't be all that farther
away...are there even any regional businesses that would serve both markets?
At least when WGAW//WSRO, the stations were in relatively the same area
(Central Mass.) and I would think they both sandwiched Fitchburg nicely,