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Re: Coverage of Clinton scandal (was Call me "Cache")

On Sat, 12 Sep 1998 08:51:47 -0400 "Bill O'Neill" <billo@erols.com>

>There is certainly a fine line b/w broadcasting and politics, and only
>hairdresser (or, respectfully, in this list's case, Garrett, knows for
>where that line lies) but I'd hope we can continue to discuss how 
>media absorbs and disseminates stories that are considered 'news' so
long as 
>our opinions _about_ the story don't get in the way and derail the
>Bill O'Neill

Well put, Bill.  And there is a legitimate issue about the coverage.  A
big one for me is the coverage of the embarrassing details of the affair
as reported.  When is the time gonna come when my seven year old son asks
me about some intimate sex act that he heard about on the TV or radio?  I
mean, the media does not seem to be very discrete here.  How has Howie
Carr been hankling this?  I can only imagine... yechh!

Rick Kelly

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